Felines Black Gene(s)

The genetics of coat color in cats is quite complex and involves multiple genes. However, for the purpose of our discussion on black coats, we'll focus primarily on the B locus (Black locus).

1. The B locus (Black locus):

To explain:

It's worth noting that the actual expression of these colors can be modified or hidden by other genes.

2. Extension (or E locus):

Another gene of interest when discussing black coats is the E locus. This gene controls whether black pigment (eumelanin) appears throughout the coat or is restricted to certain points.

In the presence of the ee genotype, even if the cat has genes for a black coat, it will display a pointed pattern, with a cream body and darker points.

3. Dilution (or D locus):

The D locus controls the dilution of color. When the dilution gene is present, it lightens the coat color.

4. White and White Spotting:

Two more factors can interfere with the appearance of a black coat:

5. Agouti (or A locus):

The Agouti gene affects the pattern of the coat, specifically whether the individual hairs have bands of color (tabby pattern) or not.

However, it should be noted that the visibility of the tabby pattern can vary widely and may be masked or barely visible in some cats.

In conclusion, while the B locus is central in determining a cat's black coat, the expression of that black coat can be influenced by a number of other genetic factors. This is just a snapshot of the intricate and fascinating world of feline genetics!

Felines White Gene(s)

The term "White gene" in felines usually refers to the gene responsible for the complete white coat seen in some cats. This gene masks any other color the cat might genetically be, resulting in an all-white appearance.

Here's a basic overview:

It's fascinating how genetics can influence not just the appearance but also other aspects of physiology and health in animals. If you're breeding cats or thinking about it, it's always a good idea to understand the potential genetic implications of pairing certain individuals.

While the Dominant White (W) is the primary gene often referred to as the "white gene" in cats, the above-mentioned genes also play roles in the expression of white or reduced pigmentation in cats. It's worth noting that the genetics of coat color in cats (and animals in general) can be quite complex and involve various interactions among multiple genes.

The genetics of coat color and eye color in cats is intricate, and several genes can influence the final appearance. It's also worth noting that while there's a known association between white coat color, blue eyes, and deafness in cats, it doesn't mean that every white cat with blue eyes will be deaf. Always consult with a veterinarian or a cat geneticist for more specific information about an individual cat's genetics.

Feline Black Gene(s)

Feline coat color genetics is a complex field with various genes influencing a cat's coat color and pattern. One of the more interesting and prominent genes in the context of coat color is the "Black" gene. This gene, often represented by the symbol "B," dictates whether a cat's coat is black or chocolate and has three primary allelic variants:

It's worth noting that these are just the basics. Other genes can further modify or influence these colors. For instance, the Dilution gene can affect the intensity of these colors, turning black into blue (a kind of gray), chocolate into lilac, and cinnamon into fawn.

Solid Gene(s) & how they work

To have a solid colored cat, the primary gene to consider is the A locus. Cats with the aa genotype will have a solid color, though the specific color will be determined by the interaction of the other genes mentioned above.

It's important to note that while the A locus determines the solid versus tabby pattern, other genes (like white spotting genes) can overlay these base patterns, adding even more complexity to feline coat genetics.

Feline Tabby Gene(s)

The term "tabby" when referring to cats doesn't point to a breed, but rather to a coat pattern. The genes responsible for the tabby pattern are found in all domestic cats. In fact, if you look closely at many solid-colored cats, you might see faint tabby patterns, especially when they are kittens.

There are several distinct tabby patterns, and they are influenced by multiple genes. Here's a detailed breakdown:

In essence, the tabby pattern in cats is a result of a complex interplay between these genes and possibly others. Each of these genes can combine in various ways to produce the rich diversity of patterns and colors seen in the domestic cat population.

Feline Dilution Gene(s)

Feline Dilution Gene - Basics:

A cat with two copies of the "d" allele (dd) will display the dilute version of its base color. A cat with one or two copies of the "D" allele (Dd or DD) will display the dense or non-dilute version of its base color.

Color Transformation Due to Dilution:

Other Points:

Inheritance Pattern:

The dilution gene follows a simple Mendelian inheritance pattern:

If two carrier cats (Dd) mate, there's a 25% chance their offspring will be DD (non-dilute), a 50% chance they will be Dd (carrier), and a 25% chance they will be dd (dilute).

Understanding coat color genetics can be fascinating, especially when you begin to layer in other genetic factors like agouti, tabby patterns, white spotting, and more. The dilution gene, however, remains one of the more straightforward and easily observable genetic traits in feline genetics.

Feline Shaded Gene(s)

Genetics can be complex, and while we've gained significant insights into feline genetics, there are still areas that require more research. The above details provide a basic understanding of the shaded and chinchilla patterns in cats.

Breakdown of the felines Agouti Gene(s)

In conclusion, the agouti gene is a pivotal player in the mosaic of genetics that determines feline coat coloration. It's a great example of how one gene can have a pronounced and visually evident impact on an organism's phenotype.